Manitoba Indigenous Sports Hall of Fame


Nominations for the Manitoba Indigenous Sports Hall of Fame are open year-round. However, every year, we nominate a "class of inductees", which are selected from nominations received in the past calendar year.

The next class of inductees will be taking place in April of 2024. Nominations for this class will close on February 28th, 2024 at 3:00PM CST.



There are two categories in which someone can be elected to the Manitoba Indigenous Sports Hall of Fame.

  1. Athlete

    1. Individual - a competitor in a singles event(s) or an outstanding individual from a team event.

    2. Team - a team is more than one athlete, or, athletes taking part in a team event; and as a unit has achieved an outstanding accomplishment.

  2. Builder

    1. A Builder is an individual or group of individuals whose efforts as leaders, administrators, officials, coaches, media, or in other roles have made an outstanding contribution to sport.


  1. Athlete

    1. Any Indigenous individual or team (amateur or professional) who was Manitoba born, a longtime resident of the Province or a resident of Manitoba at the time of their achievement or contribution and whose example has brought credit to the sport and high respect for the individual or team; and whose conduct will not bring discredit to the Hall of Fame is eligible for nomination.
    2. Normally athletes shall not be considered for induction until three years after retirement from competitive sport. except in the event of death or following a particularly outstanding athletic achievement that warrants special recognition. Such as participation in the Olympic Games.
  2. Builder

    1. Any Indigenous individual or group of individuals who have made an outstanding and extraordinary contribution to amateur or professional sport in Manitoba other than as a competitor, including coaches, and whose example has brought credit to the sport and high respect for the individual; and whose conduct will not bring discredit to the Hall of Fame is eligible for nomination.
    2. Those who are professional promoters, sponsors, fundraisers, and sports organizations are not eligible for consideration.
    3. A Builder may be either active or inactive at the time of their consideration.


  1. Click below to complete the online nomination form
    1. Manitoba Indigenous Sports Hall of Fame Nomination Form
    2. Please ensure that all part of the nomination form are completed. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
  2. We welcome any additional documentation, such as photos, letters, certificates, or records that support your nomination. These materials can be sent to Carriera Lamoureux at Should you require further information or assistance, please feel free to contact Carriera directly at 204-925-5737.
  3. Nominations for each class close on February 28th of that year. For example, nominations submitted before February 28th, 2025, if accepted, will be included in the Class of 2025 Inductees.
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